Roster 2023-2024: Michael Elder

The first name on the Stars roster for season 2023-24 is that of captain Michael Elder. His twelfth season at Billingham, Elder started his hockey journey as a junior at Newcastle Vipers before becoming a Northern Star. Joining up with Billingham as the Stars and Bombers organisations merged for season 2011-2012, Mikey is now classed as one of the older heads guiding the team despite being just 29 years old.

Credit: Colin Edwards, CJE Photos

 Mikey’s role as captain will be alongside a new role as part of the coaching team at Billingham, specifically offensive tactics and development. Having this additional coaching resource should help the forward lines as the new season brings different challenges for a team looking to push on after such a successful 2022-2023.

Credit: Colin Edwards, CJE Photos

 Elder Statistics

Last SeasonStarsCareer

Credit: Linda Crabtree

Credit: Linda Crabtree

 Mikey spoke to Billingham Stars TV about his decision to return, his new expanded role, changes to the League and the link with the new Billingham Buccaneers in N2. Watch here:

Credit: Tony Burgum Photography


Your Stars will be revealing the new squad over the coming days and weeks – keep checking back for all the latest news from the Billingham camp over the summer.


Roster 2023-2024: Thomas Brown


Stars Season 2022/2023